【English Activities】

To enrich the English learning environment, various activities are organized for our students every year.

English Speaking Day

Students are provided with the opportunity to practise their English on Fridays. They play games and speak in English with our NET and English teachers on Fridays.

English Day

English Day aims to enhance students' confidence and oral skills through fun and games. Students practise their vocabulary and speaking skills through completing different tasks in various English stations.

Students enjoy the inter-class spelling competition – ‘Spelling Bee’. The class representatives try their best to work together in order to win the competition.

Students are keen on trying and speaking English with teachers or English ambassadors in the booth games.

Patrick Sir has conducted a talk titled “Bye Bye Chinglish” to our P.4 to P.6 students on English Day.


Friday’s Morning English-reading Time

A morning English-reading time is promoted on every Friday in order to cultivate students’ reading interests and habits. Students can enjoy reading different interesting books with classmates and teachers.


P.6 Interview Training

The aim of P.6 interview training is to develop effective strategies for primary 6 students to get prepare for the secondary school entrance interviews. It covers different stages of interview process from individual presentation to group discussion.